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Self-Portrait inspired by the style of Vincent Van Gogh.  The portrait was drawn by hand and colored using Photoshop.

About Me



My name is Eugene Fayne II, and I am an illustrator and graphic designer. Like medicine and law, art is practice. There's never a point of reaching perfection, however I am a believer in striving to get there. I believe that everyone has some artistic talent and that everyone is a creator. There are many things that motivate me artistically, such as movies and promo posters, video games and their box art, and sequential art in comic books.


Art is a practice, similarly to a doctor’s study of medicine or a lawyer’s concentration of law.  It is an endless path of knowledge and technique.  No one can ever reach a "mastery" level.  A perfect artist does not exist.  If an artist chooses a particular style, then he/she will never reach the apex of it.  An artist can only grow as he/she progresses along the infinite pathway.  If a creator proclaims that he/she has mastered a particular approach or technique, he/she unintentionally limits him/herself and becomes unable to advance to the next phase of his/her skill.  In addition, I believe that everyone has a level of artistic ability.  The level of these diverse fine skills differ from individuals.  A person's creative strength is only limited by his/her imagination.  Nevertheless, anyone can express an initial thought, a simple vision, or a lasting dream in form of art.


For questions about design style or if you're interested in illustrations, please email me at to discuss freelance and/or commission prices.


Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.



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